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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

ESL: English as a Second Language

349 Results

336. The Visual Dictionary

Activity Description

Use this online picture dictionary when teaching thematic vocabulary to show labeled visuals, definitions, animations, and videos.

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language


Beginning Literacy, Beginning Low, Beginning High, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced, All Levels
337. Top 10 Ice Breakers for Adults

Activity Description

This activity is an ice breaker to use on the first day of class to help students learn about one another and to help them begin to form a community of learners. Studies have shown that where community exists, persistence is less of a problem. This Web site lists 10 ice breakers for use in adult classes with complete step-by-step instructions. This activity highlights the People Bingo activity.

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language


Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
338. Tricider: Brainstorming, Voting, or Exit Tickets

Activity Description

Use an end-of-class meeting classroom assessment technique in which you ask students what they learned, what they don’t understand or need more practice with, or a specific question to check students’ understanding of the lesson content. Quickly and easily (without account registration) create an online poll for brainstorming, voting, or exit tickets (used for formative assessment, student self analysis, instructional strategy feedback, and open communication with students).

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language


Beginning Low, Beginning High, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
339. U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services: Study for the Test

Activity Description

Use the Web site's resources in a Citizenship class or as part preparation for/teaching of the EL Civics Government and History Unit.

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language


Beginning High, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
340. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Teacher Resources & Lesson Plans: Mold

Activity Description

In this activity, students learn the different types of mold, how it grows, and its effects on health. This site offers an array of environmental and science-based lesson plans, activities and ideas.

Program Areas

ESL: English as a Second Language


Beginning Low, Beginning High, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced
Total Resources: 349
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN240137 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.