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Post-employment education and training models in the welfare-to-work grants program

Corporate Name: Urban Institute

Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

Published At: Washington, DC

Date Published: 1999

Distributor: The Urban Institute

Source Address: 2100 M. St., N.W.

Source City/State/Zip: Washington DC 20037

Material Type: Research/Technical Report

Intended Audience: Policy Maker

Physical Media: Print

Physical Description: 29 p.

Subjects: Welfare Recipients; Education Work Relationship; Career Counseling

This paper synthesizes information about providing education and training after an individual is employed -- one type of post-employment service -- and provides suggestions on models and strategies that can be effective in promoting occupational mobility and career advancement for welfare recipients in the United States.

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.