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Compendium of Non-traditional Training and Employment Projects for Women

Publisher: Evaluation and Training Institute

Published At: Los Angeles, CA

Date Published: 1995

Distributor: California Department of Education, Employment Preparation Unit

Source Address: P.O. Box 944272

Source City/State/Zip: Sacramento CA 94244-2720

Phone: 916-324-9605

Material Type: Directory

Intended Audience: General

Physical Media: Print

Physical Description: 185 p.

Subjects: Employed Women; Nontraditional Education; Nontraditional Occupations

This print item is a hard copy of the disk version of a directory of non-traditional training and employment projects for women in California. The disk (MSWord for Windows, v.6.0a) is also included. The item was reformatted for the OTAN Forum of electronic documents and posted in CDE Info/Model Programs. The Compendium is designed to be a tool for identifying existing education and training programs that encourage and support women in non-traditional occupations and is intended to assist Service Delivery Areas/Private Industry Councils (SDAs/PICs) and local educational agencies (LEAs). The Compendium includes data on 177 projects of the following types: JTPA 8% Education Partner Projects provided by SDAs/PICs and LEAs; New Horizons, STEP-UP projects, Gender Balance projects, JTPA-VATEA (Vocational and Technical Employment Act) Partnership projects, VATEA Projects Targeted to Incarcerated Women, and LINKS projects at the California Community Colleges; projects implemented at the secondary level; and six demonstration projects funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. Moved from CDE Info/Model Programs (Best Practices)

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.