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Collaborations for literacy, an intergenerational reading project: tutor's handbook (excerpts)

Publisher: Institute for Responsive Education, Publications Dept.

Published At: Boston, MA

Date Published: 1985

Distributor: Institute for Responsive Education, Publications Dept

Source Address: 605 Commonwealth Avenue

Source City/State/Zip: Boston MA 02215

Phone: 617-353-4667

Material Type: Teaching Guide

Intended Audience: Tutor

Physical Media: Print

Subjects: Intergenerational Programs; Tutors

Collaboration for Literacy, conducted by Boston University, is a community based reading project which trains college work study students as literacy tutors to provide individualized reading instruction to low reading level adults (0 - 4 grade levels). Two handbooks were developed. The tutor's handbook contains: information on adult illiteracy, issues and problems; details of the college work-study tutoring program; real logs of tutors; and tutor teaching strategies.

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