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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.

Curriculum Offers: Essential Education

Topics: Blended Learning

Person using an online course on a laptop with Essential Education logo. OTAN is offering a self-paced Blended Learning course from Essential Education for California adult education agency teachers. From the Essential Education website:

  • Blending traditional classroom instruction with technology will improve student learning and motivation by 30%. The challenge for the adult ed instructor is to find the time and technical knowledge to make it happen.
  • Our Blended Learning course starts with the basics of educational technology concepts, and then gives the instructor the tools and skills to blend the best Ed technology with their direct instruction. The results are amazing. Teachers teach better, students learn faster and retain more, and everyone has more fun doing it.

Here is a list of the Lessons that are included in the Blended Learning course:

What is Blended Learning? - Learn how blended learning can help classrooms achieve the right balance of computer-based and face-to-face instruction.

Choosing a Model - Learn about the many effective ways to use blended learning in your classroom and select a blended learning model that works for you.

Teaching Tools - Explore and evaluate common teaching tools for blended learning.

Assessment Tools - Explore digital assessment tools, and learn how to use the data to motivate students and inform instruction.

With Your Students - Learn how to effectively introduce your students to blended learning.

Teaching Problem Solving - Learn how to turn tech issues into teachable moments and model problem-solving skills.

If you are interested in this professional development offer from Essential Education, please create an account through Essential Education. The process is quick, and there is no cost to enroll!

For additional free adult education resources, please visit the Essential Education website.

Contact OTAN by email: or phone at (916) 228-2580 for more information.

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.