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Using OTAN Resources to Celebrate May Events

Posted on 05/01/2019

2019 Calendar

May is a busy month when it comes to observations and celebrations. In addition to Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, May is also National Mental Health Month. Over the years, OTAN has compiled a number of online resources housed on its website that teachers can use to add content and information to their lessons on one or more of these holidays.

Web-based class activities are long articles highlighting technology tools or topics, focused on one or more websites, organized around instructional themes and activities. Here is a previous web-based article that lists some resources to explore in May.

Teaching with Technology is a tool to help adult education teachers locate and learn about websites and other technology tools related to lesson topics. Here is the link to get started with the Teaching with Technology tool. Teaching with Technology has a number of holiday-related lessons; here is a Mother’s Day Lesson and here is a Memorial Day lesson .

A good article to review before teaching about holidays is How to Teach Students About Holidays and History from the website.

We hope that you and your students enjoy learning more about the observations and celebrations of May and increase your understanding of the important historical, social, and cultural underpinnings of these events.

Article: How to Teach Students About Holidays and History from the website

OTAN web-based article: Special Days and Events in May

OTAN Teaching with Technology: Mother's Day lesson

OTAN Teaching with Technology: Memorial Day lesson

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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.