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Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology.


Organizing your Canvas Account For Account Administrators

Posted on 05/28/2024

Women typing on a laptop taking notes
Photo by Monstera Production

With summer here, a Canvas Account reorganization may already be on your to-do list. There might be some courses which need dropping, subaccounts which need cleaning up, and new features to be New Quizzes. As an administrator, you may want to update or create your agency’s theme. Perhaps a motivated staff member would like to blueprint some courses for their colleagues and needs your administrative magic. Maybe you’ve been gifted the job of Canvas Administrator and do not know where to begin or your agency is new to the Canvas project. Whatever the case, support is here.

On June 19 and 20th, 9-11:00 am, an OTAN sponsored Administrator Cohort Institute will be available cost-free. These co-designed and updated sessions will teach and review the essentials. Instructure Trainer, Cory Chitwood, and OTAN Project Specialist, Karin de Varennes, have worked together to create a practical, interactive experience.

Featured below are the topics which will be presented each day along with the Instructure Zoom link if you plan on attending. For the Building Outcomes part, Adult Education Standards and the anchor ELPs (English Language Proficiency) .csv files will be shared with all participants and shown how to import them into your account. No registration required. Please use this Instructure Zoom Link to attend.

Please contact Karin de Varennes,, for further information or questions

Admin Cohort Institute Part 1

  • Account Organization
  • Account Settings
  • Building Outcomes/Standards

Admin Cohort Institute Part 2

  • Assessing Outcomes/Standards
  • Collaboration & Troubleshooting
  • Reports & Analytics
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OTAN activities are funded by contract CN220124 from the Adult Education Office, in the Career & College Transition Division, California Department of Education, with funds provided through Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223. However, OTAN content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education.